Who is this Jesus? Stories of Hope! (Humility)
Gary Bush

During the first few months of 2022, we have walked through some very deep waters here at Grace Community Church. We have seen many in the church go through really difficult life events. I personally had both the privilege and challenge of performing 3 celebration of life services for past or present attenders at Grace Community Church. It was in the midst of these challenging times that a sermon series was birthed. I felt an undeniable prompting from the Holy Spirit to focus in on the word Hope. My mind immediately went to several stories of hope that are found in the Gospel and specifically focused on Jesus. Because after all, our Hope as followers of Jesus is squarely rooted in HIM! This 6 part series leading up to and ending on Easter Sunday 2022 helps us realize that our hope is in Jesus alone. And it is in the discovery process of identifying who Jesus is that we can find tremendous Hope.  I pray that the this and the following posts and sermons help you find Hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. 

Hope Found in Humility

The first story, or account is found in Mark 10:17-31. In this account of a rich young ruler and Jesus we see this ruler ask a question that many ask. The rich young ruler, by the worlds standards, and achieved the perfect trifecta. He was rich, young, and had a position of authority. But there still was something that was missing. So he aproaches Jesus and asks him what must he do to inherit eternal life. Even with obtaining so much, he felt there was something lacking. And the reality was this. He was missing Hope. And in this account Jesus uncovers that hope is found in true humility. It is in true surrender and recognition of Jesus that hope can be found. Watch the sermon below to see as I unpack this truth and apply this to our lives today.