Biking with Christ

September 18, 2022 11:15am - 4:00pm

On Sunday, September 18th, we will be having a family biking/walking day at the Iron Horse Trail after church.  Before we leave for the trail, GCC Youth Group will be providing a small lunch for everyone who wants to attend. We will be having subs, chips, cookies, and drinks.  (Please RSVP if you are planning to attend to allow us to prepare adequate food.)

If you do not own a bike or do not feel comfortable riding, there will be plenty of people who are volunteering to walk and talk. The group ride/walk will be about 6 miles total (but adults and families are welcome to walk or ride as much or as little as desired).

Please contact Alana Ryan for more information at 330-440-5682. We hope to see you on Sunday, September 18th!