God's Big Story

God's Big Story

On June 9th, we will be kicking off a new series called God's Big Story. This 31-week journey will guide us through the high flyover journey through God's Word in chronological order. The goal is to see God's Big Story and plan that is unveiled to us in the Bible and how our story fits into God's Story.

In addition to our Bibles, on this journey we will be using a tool called “The Story”. It is a wonderful tool that can be used to help guide our journey through the overarching story that is told in God’s Word. Knowing His story more completely will enable everyone to better understand the character of God and also enable us to discover how our story fits into God’s Story. Over 31 weeks we will tackle this in multiple ways.

This landing page will have resources to help you on this journey. Think of it as a landing page for you as we journey through God's Big Story. I cannot wait for this journey to begin! In the weeks ahead, and during the journey, please be praying for God to reveal himself in mighty ways as a part of this series. Ask the Lord to prepare your heart for what is to come. Specifically, be thinking and praying for the Lord to reveal to you how you can grow closer to Him as a result of this series.